Thursday, June 30, 2011

Can You Lend a Hand?

As you can see, I haven't posted in here for over a week. I don't like that. I believe that if you have a blog, it should be updated at least once a week if you want to keep regular readers. Unfortunately, I've been so busy at the Screaming Sardine that I haven't had the time to do so. Plus, as I've alluded to before, I want to do more than just feature the core group here. You want to read a blog to find out new things, and once you see your favorite artisans here, I'm sure you regularly check their blogs and Etsy shops to see all their latest offerings.

So what I was wondering is if any of you would like to lend a helping hand? I'd love to have regular guest bloggers - perhaps you? - on here writing about your handmade teddy bears or raggedies, as well as any other handmade items you make. It's a way for you to get exposure - whether you're a new shop or a shop that has been around for awhile.

So please contact me at iluvffmn at yahoo dot com if you'd like to write for this blog. In fact, you don't even have to make handmade teddy bears or rag dolls; maybe you're a fan of one or the other (or both), and you'd like to share your love of them by showing off your teddy bear or raggedy doll collection. Additionally, any kind of article / blog post about raggedies and teddies would be great, too! Share your favorite artisans, too, by writing an article about them. Whatever you can think of that will fit in with the theme here, I'm all ears!

Let's continue our love of handmade teddy bears and rag dolls by sharing our love for them here!


  1. Hey! I'll see what I can do...let me think on it for a bit!
    Sounds like fun Tracy!

  2. I'm in the "willing to help" department. I'll email you :)

  3. first post, here...tomorrow!
    Thanks Tracy!
